Speeches & Statements

PRC’s Statement to the ERISA Advisory Council on QDIAs and Lifetime Income

Read Senior Policy Counsel Norman Stein’s statement on behalf of the PRC to the ERISA Advisory Council on Qualified Default Investment Alternatives (QDIAs) and Lifetime Income.

Speeches & Statements

Pension Rights Center Statement for Senate HELP Committee

The Pension Rights Center’s Executive Director, Karen Friedman, submitted the statement for the committee’s February 28 hearing titled “Taking a Serious Look at the Retirement Crisis in America: What Can We Do to Expand Defined Benefit Plans for Workers.”

Speeches & Statements

Speech by Karen Friedman at the ARA Retiree Security Symposium

Karen Friedman, Executive Director of the PRC, gave a speech to attendees at the 2023 ARA Retiree Security Symposium in Washington, D.C. on October 17th. You can read her comments here.

Speeches & Statements

PRC staff and board of directors, together with national leaders, deeply mourn the passing of their hero and guiding light, Karen Ferguson

It is with deep sadness and the heaviest of hearts that the staff and board of directors of the Pension Rights Center announce the death of Karen Ferguson, the Center’s president and founder, who died on December 23rd from cancer. The Pension Rights Center is a national consumer organization that works to protect the retirement […]

Speeches & Statements

Statement of Norman Stein Before the ERISA Advisory Council Working Group on “Gaps in Retirement Savings Based on Race, Ethnicity and Gender”

Norman Stein testified before the ERISA Advisory Council’s Working Group on “Gaps in Retirement Savings Based on Race, Ethnicity and Gender.”

Speeches & Statements

Statement of the Pension Rights Center on permissive transfers of uncashed checks from ERISA plans to state unclaimed property funds before the ERISA Advisory Council (August 28, 2019)

PRC Policy Analyst Jane Smith testified before the ERISA Advisory Council on permissive transfers of uncashed checks from ERISA plans to state unclaimed property funds. She said, [A]lthough State unclaimed property programs are very helpful to individuals who have lost track of non-retirement assets, they are not the best arrangement for people who have earned […]

Speeches & Statements

Statement of the Pension Rights Center on the “Cost of Inaction: Why Congress Must Address the Multiemployer Crisis” Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (March 7, 2019)

The Pension Rights Center submitted this statement for the record of the Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions hearing, “Cost of Inaction: Why Congress Must Address the Multiemployer Crisis.” Read the full statement.

Speeches & Statements

Speech by Karen Friedman to Kansas City-Missouri Committee to Protect Pensions (October 18, 2018)

Karen Friedman gave a speech to the Kansas City-Missouri Committee to Protect Pensions on October 18, 2018. You can read the speech here.

Speeches & Statements

Speech by Karen Friedman for United Steelworkers Rapid Response Legislative Conference (May 21, 2018)

Karen Friendman gave a speech as part of the Retirement Security Panel at the United Steelworkers Rapid Response Legislative Conference on May 21, 2018.

Speeches & Statements

Joint Statement Opposing “Composite” Pension Legislation

Joint Statement of AARP, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Musicians for Pension Security, the National United Committee to Protect Pensions, the National Retirees Legislative Network, the Pension Rights Center, the United Steelworkers, and the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Opposing Composite Pension Legislation. Read the joint […]

Speeches & Statements

Speech by Karen Friedman to New York Nurses Association (October 12, 2017)

Karen Friedman gave a speech to New York Nurses Association on October 12, 2017.  You can read the speech here.

Speeches & Statements

PRC Statement to the ERISA Advisory Council on retirement plan disclosures (June 7, 2017)

PRC Policy Analyst Jane Smith testified before the ERISA Advisory Council on the improvements to the effectiveness of retirement plan disclosures to participants and beneficiaries. In her testimony, Jane noted that plan disclosures to participants are often confusing and written in technical language that is difficult for participants to understand.  Addendum to 2017 statement.