Month: July 2009

Can we call you, Al?
When writer-comedian Al Franken was sworn in as Minnesota’s junior Senator on July 7, I was intrigued to hear that he will be serving on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (also known as the Senate HELP Committee). Not surprisingly, this is one of the committees that we deal with the most, and I […]

In case you missed it
Here’s some of the latest news from the world of pensions: ▪ PlanAdviser reports that late last week the Senate confirmed Phyllis Borzi to head the Employee Benefit Security Administration as assistant secretary of labor. ▪ PRC attorney Rebecca Davis led a session in a National Women’s Law Center webinar titled What Women Need to […]

Older Americans Act celebrates an anniversary
Today marks the 44th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, a federal grant program that helps millions of older adults throughout the country. One of the programs funded by the Older Americans Act is the Administration on Aging’s Pension Counseling and Information Program, which supports regional pension counseling projects around the country. These nonprofit counseling projects provide […]

A retirement reality check
A new study released by the Ariel Education Initiative and Hewitt Associates and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation confirms what many researchers and retirement policy experts have known for a while now: When it comes to providing retirement income, 401(k) plans just aren’t cutting it for many minorities. The study finds that African Americans and […]

Relighting the match
Last week Zep Inc. announced plans to reinstate its 401(k) matching contributions. This move comes six months after the company suspended its match and cut executive pay to reduce costs. At the time, Zep’s CEO said that restoring the match would be the top priority when the company returned to profitability. Currently, Zep is restoring […]