Month: December 2012

Joint letter to Congress in support of H.R. 5981, which closes a gap in the law for survivor benefits in multiemployer plans (12/27/2012)
The Pension Rights Center, the National Women’s Law Center, and the National Coordinating Committee on Multiemployer Plans sent a letter [PDF] to every member of Congress, asking them to pass H.R. 5981 before the end of the current Congress. The bill closes a loophole that unfairly denies pension benefits to widows and widowers when multiemployer […]

Will 401(k) plans keep getting worse?
IBM, one of America’s largest companies, shook the employee compensation world when it announced recently that it would contribute only once every December to its employees’ 401(k) accounts. Any employee who leaves before December would not be able to collect the company’s match.

IBM remakes its match
If your company matches your retirement savings, that payment probably shows up on your pay stub every other week or so. This week IBM notified employees it’s changing its 401(k) match. The company will make one lump-sum payment per year. What’s the difference? Potentially, a lot of money.

Who gains most from 401(k) tax breaks?
In the discussion over retirement security, retirement plans like 401(k)s are often talked about as if they benefit all Americans equally. But with these tax-deferred accounts coming under scrutiny amid the fiscal-cliff budget debate, it’s worth remembering: They’re a perk that’s far more valuable to the upper-middle-income, corporate golf-outing set than to store clerks or […]