Month: August 2019

Statement of the Pension Rights Center on permissive transfers of uncashed checks from ERISA plans to state unclaimed property funds before the ERISA Advisory Council (August 28, 2019)
PRC Policy Analyst Jane Smith testified before the ERISA Advisory Council on permissive transfers of uncashed checks from ERISA plans to state unclaimed property funds. She said, [A]lthough State unclaimed property programs are very helpful to individuals who have lost track of non-retirement assets, they are not the best arrangement for people who have earned […]

The Pension Rights Center (PRC) Provides Free Legal Assistance to Singles & Couples Who Have Earned Retirement Benefits
The Short Version: Retirees face many unknowns, but their monthly incomes shouldn’t be one of them. Since 1976, the Pension Rights Center has developed useful resources to ensure Americans know what to expect when they’re ready to retire. The PRC’s online fact sheets and counselor directory can help individuals, couples, and families get answers to […]

Social Security turns 84!
By Emily Gilbert During a week of volatility in the stock market, retirees are happily celebrating the 84th birthday of the Social Security System—a universal social insurance program that guarantees their benefits no matter what direction their 401(k) or personal investments are heading. Since 1935, Social Security has been the cornerstone of the retirement income […]