Month: May 2022

Pension Rights Center’s Founder Karen Ferguson Receives Award Posthumously Recognizing Her Importance to Employee Benefits Field
By David Brandolph The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) recently bestowed its 2022 Public Service Award on the Pension Rights Center’s late founder and president, Karen Ferguson, who died in December. “Her life’s work was focused on challenging the systems in place to find a better path for a secure retirement,” Kevin E. […]

Karen Ferguson to Receive Honor from International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
For Immediate Release The Pension Rights Center is thrilled to announce that the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans will be giving its 2022 Public Service Award, posthumously, to Karen Ferguson, the Center’s beloved founder and former president, who died in December at age 80. The award will honor Karen for her lifetime of advocacy […]

PRC receives major cy pres award
By Karen Friedman The Pension Rights Center is a national nonprofit consumer organization that relies on your support to continue the important work we do. And we appreciate every contribution that we receive – large and small. Today we are especially grateful to have been chosen to receive a special kind of donation called a […]

PRC, National Women’s Law Center, and WISER comments to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board on new TSP recordkeeping system
PRC, National Women’s Law Center, and WISER offered comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board and the ways in which the Thrift Savings Plan’s new recordkeeping system will impact the rights of participants and beneficiaries. Read the full comments here.