Month: April 2010
Billionaires for Retirement INsecurity
Yesterday I joined friends from Social Security Works, OWL – The Voice of Midlife and Older Women, Social Security Matters, the Alliance for Retired Americans, the Economic Policy Institute, and others outside of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center as Pete Peterson (you know him, he’s the one who is trying to scare […]
Pensions around the world
As someone who monitors the news on a daily basis, I often come across stories about retirement systems in other countries. Below are just a few of the recent articles that I thought were interesting. What can we learn from retirement income policies in other countries? Canada is studying ways to improve its retirement income system. Nearly 11 million of […]
Article by Norman Stein and Karen Friedman on pension funding relief that protects workers and retirees (04/20/2010)
April 20, 2010: In a commentary for BNA Pension & Benefits Reporter, PRC Senior Policy Adviser Norman Stein and Executive Vice President and Policy Director Karen Friedman make a case for pension funding relief that protects workers and retirees.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to adopt more children, but only if pension reform passes
Today Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie announced that they were committed to working toward a new universal pension system to ensure that all Americans – and particularly their six children – would be able to retire with dignity. “I like building environmentally-green houses,” says Pitt, “but I think pensions are the sexiest issue in the […]
A victory for workers and retirees
In December 2009, Visteon Corp. announced that it was going to terminate its pension plans, which cover some 21,000 workers and retirees, as part of the company’s overall bankruptcy and reorganization effort. Visteon planned to dump its pension obligations onto the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the government agency that insures private “defined benefit” pension plans. Because […]