Month: April 2009

Mother Jones for Mother’s Day
With Mother’s Day approaching, it seems only fitting that I put in a plug for the current edition of Mother Jones magazine. Its cover asks, “Who Ran Away With Your 401(k)?” and the issue is required reading for anyone interested in the future of retirement income. In the lead story, “Who Shredded Our Safety Net?“, […]

Unequal Pay = Unequal Pensions
Today, April 28, is Equal Pay Day, in recognition of the fact that on average women earn less than men. For women, as former Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder once noted, this discrimination throughout their lives “strikes its cruelest blow at the end.” The Lily Ledbetter Equal Pay Act of 2009 will not only help close the […]

Pension information for automotive industry retirees
Are you a retiree from the auto industry? The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the federal agency that guarantees pensions, has provided helpful information for retirees of Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and other car companies. The PBGC guarantees pension benefits up to a certain limit for retirees of companies that have gone bankrupt and are unable […]

The Pension Rights Center steps into the world of Web 2.0!
Do you tweet on Twitter? We do! The Pension Rights Center has joined Twitter, a social networking platform that allows users to let their “followers” know what they’re up to on a regular basis. Check out the Center’s Twitter feed, @PensionRights, and sign up to follow our tweets.

Time to Fix a Fiscal Mistake
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a Roth alternative in the Thrift Savings Plan for government employees. Roths are the antithesis of sensible tax and budget policy. Rather than expanding them to federal employees, Congress should scrap them. As most of us know, there are now two choices in both IRAs and 401(k)s. […]

A company shows compassion
These days, it’s not often that we agree with the decisions companies make when it comes to pensions (take a look at our lists of companies that have frozen their pensions or that have cut their 401(k) matches), but an activist alerted us to one company that is actually doing the right thing. As reported […]

News you can use
With tax day approaching, Andrea Coombes of has written a helpful column about the Making Work Pay credit, a 2009 tax credit given to all working Americans with earnings under a certain amount. To implement this credit, the I.R.S. has issued new tax withholding tables. However, as she notes, implementing the tax credit through […]

PRC letter to the Treasury Department regarding the “Make Work Pay” tax credit
April 1, 2009: The PRC sent a letter to the Treasury Department requesting that it clarify that the new “Make Work Pay” tax credit should not change the amount of money pension plans withhold from pension checks for tax purposes.

Recommended Reading
In the uproar over the million-dollar bonuses given to AIG executives, AIG’s defenders claimed that the company was forced to give out these bonuses because of contracts it signed with the executives. In Sunday’s St. Petersburg Times, columnist Robyn Blumner uses AIG and United Airlines to make a terrific point about the disgraceful inequities in […]