Month: May 2020

New government “hide and seek” rule tells workers to hunt for retirement information on websites
In the midst of an economic collapse and at a time of heightened financial insecurity, the U.S. Department of Labor has issued a regulation that tells workers and retirees that to find information about their retirement rights they will have to hunt for it on a website. No longer will people automatically receive yearly statements […]

On Saving Pensions, One Step to Go, On Composites and GROW, We Say No!
By Karen Friedman PRC is thrilled that on May 15, as part of the latest COVID-19 relief bill (known as the HEROES Act), the House of Representatives passed the well-crafted Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act (EPPRA) to shore-up underfunded multiemployer pension plans. We urge the Senate to ensure that EPPRA’s provisions are retained in any […]

PRC and National Women’s Law Center comments on Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board rule allowing withdrawal from TSPs without spousal consent (May 18, 2020)
The Pension Rights Center and the National Women’s Law Center submitted comments to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board expressing concerns on an Interim Rule allowing federal retirees to withdraw their Thrift Savings Plan money without notarized spousal consent during the COVID-19 emergency. Read the comments here.

America needs pension relief in HEROES Act — NOT the GROW Act
With the House of Representatives poised to vote on the next COVID-19 relief package, known as the HEROES Act, the Pension Rights Center applauds the congressional leaders who have included within the massive bill the important provisions of the Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act (EPPRA) which will strengthen the nation’s multiemployer pension system. PRC, however, […]

Letter to leaders in Congress in support of EPPRA and in opposition of composite legislation (May 12, 2020)
PRC and other organizations sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer, urging them to pass the Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act, but strongly opposing composite legislation, including the GROW Act. Read the full letter here.

House Bill Promises Free Coronavirus Treatment, Pension Aid
House Democrats’ $3 trillion proposal for the next coronavirus relief package, released Tuesday, promises free coronavirus treatment, aid to troubled pension plans and more benefits assistance to out-of-work Americans, including help with health insurance payments and access to enhanced unemployment benefits until January.

Consumer advocate recognizes PRC’s “long-term fighters for justice”
By David Brandolph In his May 6 In the Public Interest blog post, “We honor what we value – entertainers over saviors,” renowned consumer advocate Ralph Nader notes that the public and the media heap tons of attention on sports figures, inducting them into Halls of Fame and making documentaries and feature films about them, […]

PRC and National Women’s Law Center Letter to Department of Treasury-IRS on Spousal Consent During the COVID-19 Emergency (May 1, 2020)
PRC and National Women’s Law Center sent a second letter to the Department of Treasury and the IRS addressing some of the responses to the first letter on making benefits accessible during the COVID-19 emergency while still protecting the future retirement security of surviving spouses. Read the full letter here. Read the first letter here.