Month: November 2019

PRC News, November 27, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful that thanks to you, we are able to help others. Here’s what we’ve been up to recently: Tackling the problems of getting court-awarded retirement benefits at divorce: One in five people who contact the Pension Rights Center for legal help are calling because they are struggling to obtain a share […]

Pension Rights Center Cries Foul Over DOL Electronic Disclosure Plan
The Pension Rights Center is urging the Labor Department to withdraw its proposed electronic disclosure rule, saying the plan makes it harder for workers to get the information they need to prepare for retirement and monitor their pension and 401(k) plans.

Comments to the Department of Labor on proposed rule for default electronic disclosure (November 22, 2019)
The Pension Rights Center submitted comments to the Department of Labor on proposed rule RIN 1210-AB90: Default Electronic Disclosure by Employee Pension Benefit Plans under ERISA. Read the full comments here.

Consumer advocacy group asks Labor Department to withdraw proposal that would curtail employees’ receipt of important retirement plan information
November 20— The Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization, charges that a new proposed Labor Department regulation would undermine the rights of workers and retirees to receive critical retirement information. The Department of Labor, the agency charged with protecting workers’ and retirees’ retirement rights, should withdraw its proposed rule (Default Electronic Disclosure by […]

Labor Department proposes to send you down a rabbit hole to find your retirement information
By Karen Friedman The Department of Labor, the agency charged with protecting workers’ and retirees’ retirement rights, wants to adopt a new rule that would make it harder for you to get the information you need to plan for your retirement and watchdog your pension or 401(k) plan. The deadline for the public to respond […]