Here’s some of the latest news from the world of pensions:
▪ PlanAdviser reports that late last week the Senate confirmed Phyllis Borzi to head the Employee Benefit Security Administration as assistant secretary of labor.
▪ PRC attorney Rebecca Davis led a session in a National Women’s Law Center webinar titled What Women Need to Know about Pensions and Savings. Here’s a link to Watch the webinar and download the materials.
▪ The Economic Policy Institute has released a policy memo analyzing the Obama Administration’s retirement proposals. Read the paper, Obama Retirement Plan Falls Short.
▪ The National Institute for a Secure Retirement has issued Pensionomics, a series of fact sheets detailing the significant economic impact state and local pension plans have on the economy of each of the 50 states. Find out how state and local pensions affect the economy in your state.
▪ In a new paper, the Urban Institute asks the question, How Will the Stock Market Collapse Affect Retirement Income? Read the paper.
▪ The Detroit Free Press details the new political support the Delphi salaried retirees are getting that may help them keep their pensions and retiree health benefits. Read the article.
▪ In Taken for a Ride, Center for American Progress economist Christian Weller highlights the increased retirement insecurity faced by households as a result of the financial crisis.
To stay updated on the latest pension news, don’t forget to check out the Pensions in the News section of our web site!