Tag: Pension Rights Center
Funniest Celebrity Contest
OK, so on Wednesday night, I was on stage at the DC Improv, along with consumer advocate Ralph Nader, American for Tax Reform’s Grover Norquist, Pulitzer-Prize-winning columnist Clarence Page, and Josh Gotbaum, appearing in his personal capacity. What were we doing? We were all part of the Funniest Celebrity Contest. Yes, this was a contest […]
Retirement Plan Outlook 2013: Potential for Tax Reform, Fiduciary Rule Re-Proposal on Practitioners’ Minds
The possibility of tax reform will be on everyone’s minds in 2013 and retirement issues are bound to get swept up in the tide, practitioners told BNA in a series of interviews in the first half of January about their predictions for this year. [Reproduced with permission from BNA Pension & Benefits Reporter, 40 BPR […]
PRC mourns the death of a longtime board member
The nation has lost a great champion for retirement security, and the Pension Rights Center has lost a great friend. The Center was honored to have Lisle C. Carter, Jr. serve on our board of directors for more than 20 years. Read our tribute to Lisle and the Washington Post article about him.
The Pension Rights Center steps into the world of Web 2.0!
Do you tweet on Twitter? We do! The Pension Rights Center has joined Twitter, a social networking platform that allows users to let their “followers” know what they’re up to on a regular basis. Check out the Center’s Twitter feed, @PensionRights, and sign up to follow our tweets.