Resource Tag: Divorce

I’m getting divorced: What is a qualified domestic relations order and why should I care?
A retirement plan can be the largest asset in a marriage. Nonetheless, retirement plans are often forgotten or overlooked during divorce, in part because divorce is so complicated and in part because a divorce can occur years before retirement – and who’s thinking about retirement when it’s 10 or 20 years down the road? If […]

State Retirement Plans and Divorce Information
Alabama Retirement Systems of Alabama Allows court orders No Offers model court order? n/a If so, what kind of order? n/a Publications Alaska Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits Allows court orders Yes Offers model court order? Yes If so, what kind of order? QDRO Divorce Information Arizona Arizona State Retirement System Allows […]

State Retirement Plans and Divorce
Each state retirement system has its own rules relating to the division of state employees’ pensions in divorce proceedings. Below is basic information on each state retirement system’s rules. Why does this matter? A pension can be the most valuable asset of a marriage. When going through a divorce, both parties to the marriage should know whether the state government employee’s pension or […]

Pension Rights After Divorce
A pension earned during marriage is generally considered to be a joint asset of both spouses. However, it is up to state divorce courts to decide whether and how pension assets are divided, and whether survivors benefits are payable. Except in the case of Social Security and Tier I Railroad Retirement benefits, a court order is necessary for someone who […]