Author: Emily Gilbert

Karen Ferguson, founder of pension watchdog group, dies at 80
Karen Ferguson, the founder of the Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit organization that seeks to protect the interests of workers and retired people and helps promote legislation on their behalf, died Dec. 23 at her home in Washington. She was 80.

John Deere workers successfully resist demand for pension freeze of new hires
By David Brandolph Chalk up a victory for a traditional defined benefit pension plan and its members. About 10,000 striking John Deere Co. workers are returning to work under a new contract that, among other provisions, removes language from an initial tentative bargaining agreement that would have prevented new employees from joining the company’s pension […]

PRC News, November 4, 2021
PRC receives a generous grant to support our mission. The Pension Rights Center is thrilled to announce that we have received a three-year grant from the RRF Foundation for Aging (RRF) totaling $375,000 ($125,000 a year). The funds will enable us to expand our efforts to protect and promote retirement security for workers and retirees, […]

Watch Out for 401(k) Fees
By Jane Smith The Pension Rights Center has long warned consumers to be aware of the fees charged by 401(k) plans. That message was reinforced by syndicated columnist Michelle Singletary in her article “Your 401(k) is pocketing fees on your investment. Many people don’t realize it.” Singletary told her readers “It’s important that you understand that the […]

What Women Facing Divorce Must Know About Spousal Retirement Benefits
By David Brandolph Divorce can be both emotionally traumatic and financially devastating – especially to older women who are as much as three times as likely as men to be below the poverty line in retirement. That’s why it’s important for older women and all others experiencing a divorce to know that they may be entitled to […]

The Pension Rights Center urges the IRS to protect retirement spousal rights
For Immediate Release Contact: Karen Friedman, 202-320-6518 The Pension Rights Center (PRC) sent a comment letter to the IRS in opposition to efforts to weaken spousal rights to retirement benefits. The Pension Rights Center has been a leading consumer voice working to protect the retirement security of workers, retirees […]

Congress considers provisions that would limit when retirement plans can recover overpayments
By Emily Gilbert In my last blog post, I talked about how often we hear from people who cannot locate their retirement plans, and how Congress is taking steps to address this issue. Provisions related to lost retirement plans are included in legislation now pending in the Senate and House of Representatives. Two of these bills also […]

Congress gets closer to addressing the issue of lost retirement plans
By Emily Gilbert Here at PRC, we often hear from people who worked for a company that has since moved, been bought, or gone out of business, and they cannot find their retirement plan. The good news is that Congress seems to be getting closer to addressing this issue. In May of 2021, Senators Elizabeth […]