Month: November 2011

“Retirement Heist: Overlooked Causes of the Retirement Crisis.”
On Monday, the Pension Rights Center, the New America Foundation, and AARP hosted a discussion, “Retirement Heist: Overlooked Causes of the Retirement Crisis.” The forum centered on investigative journalist Ellen Schultz’s new book, Retirement Heist, which we’ve mentioned before. Speakers included the author herself, Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis Borzi, David Certner of AARP, Don Fuerst […]

New IRS Procedures for Church Plan Rulings
On September 26, 2011, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Rev. Proc. 2011-44, the principal purpose of which is to add a requirement that when a church plan sponsor applies for a private letter ruling on whether the plan is a church plan under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §414(e), the applicant must notify participants and […]

Remarks by Karen Ferguson at “Retirement Heist: Overlooked Causes of the Retirement Crisis” (November 7, 2011)
We at the Pension Rights Center are absolutely delighted to be co-sponsoring this event. We are pleased to be able to discuss Ellen’s book and the extraordinary impact of her reporting over the years. It has had an amazing effect on the lives of so many employees and retirees. We are also delighted to once […]

Milwaukee Archdiocese says pension recipients being paid on time
All employee benefits have been paid on a timely basis and pension plans will continue to pay all benefits in the immediate future, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee assured pension recipients and contributors in a “media clarification” issued Oct. 26.

Pension Red Alert: 70% Of Pensions Are Never Audited
Chances are that your pension or 401k plan has never been audited. No one’s checking annually to see if the money’s really there. Worried yet? It should freak you out, in my opinion. According to regulators, seventy percent of the nation’s pensions have never been audited.