As concern about the adequacy of the nation’s retirement income programs moves to the forefront of public debate, policymakers and the public are looking to statistics to argue for or against the need for reform. Because there is a wide range of data from a variety of sources, the statistics can be confusing.
To help individuals understand the numbers, the Pension Rights Center worked with the Pension Policy Center to summarize government data on a series of related topics. The following information focuses on the income of today’s older adults. Sources can be found at the bottom of the page.
Income of All Older Adults from All Sources
In 2022, 57.6 million Americans were age 65 and older. Half of all older adults had less than $29,740 in yearly income from all sources.
In 2022, half of all older households received less than $50,290 in yearly income from all sources.
Table 1. Median annual income of the population, age 65 and older
Demographic unit |
Individuals | $29,740 | 2022 |
Households | $50,290 | 2022 |
These statistics are “median” income figures. “Median” is a half-way point, where half of a group has more income and half has less.
There are also statistics for the “average” income of older adults. This measure, which is less widely used, adds up all of the incomes of the people surveyed and divides that figure by the number of people counted. The average or “mean” income of persons age 65 and older is higher than the median income because a significant number of older adults have very high incomes.
Table A. Measures of average (mean) income of the population age 65 and older
Demographic unit |
Individuals | $47,060 | 2022 |
Consumer units | $60,359 | 2022 |
Income of Older Adults without Earnings
One out of five older adults have income from earnings. In 2022, the median income of the four-fifths of people age 65 and older who are fully retired was $24,190. The amounts were similar among all older age groups.
Table 2. Median income, by age, with no earnings, 2022
Age |
Income of individuals
65+ | $24,190 |
65-74 | $23,870 |
65-69 | $21,760 |
70-74 | $25,650 |
75+ | $24,450 |
For More Statistics on the Income of Older Adults:
Explanation of the different measures of income
The income of older adults can be measured different ways depending on the economic unit that is being measured. For example, the unit can be the individual, aged units, consumer units, the household, the marital unit, or other measures. These measures also differ as to whether the unit includes any people under age 65.
Source for Population Figure
Source for Consumer Units Data
Table 1. Median Income of the Population 65+
Note: Census Bureau publications also report a second median household income figure. This lower figure, which is from the same Current Population Survey, includes households with no income (1% of total) and does not include households where the head of the household is younger than age 65, even though the spouse or partner of the household head is age 65 or older.
Table A. Average Income Figures
Table 2. Income of Older Adults without Earnings
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