I worked for United Parcel Service for 33 years as a driver. I worked hard all those years and paid for my pension. After retirement my wife became disabled and I tried to get part-time work to help our income, but every job I asked permission to get was refused by Central States. I was retired, but was controlled by them or else I would lose my pension. In 2006 I had to have a double knee replacement which ended in total respiratory failure. My lungs had been destroyed. I was on oxygen 24 hours a day and not able to do anything. I had a double lung transplant and now take very expensive anti-rejection meds. Just one of those meds cost me $1000.00 a month. If they take over half of my pension away, we will not make it and without my meds I will die.
Central States has upper officials that make as much as $600,000 a year with private jets, vacations, and many other perks. They have mismanaged the funds for years and now want us to pay for it!! Please don’t let this happen!
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