I received a letter from the New York State Pension/Retirement fund stating that there would be cuts to my pension. I read it to our retiree representative, Tom Baum, and he saw the cuts as a done deal. Where’s his backbone? He should fight for us, instead of snuggling up to those who could care less if we survive.
These cuts will affect my family greatly. My health care costs alone are rising every year. Food, utilities, and taxes continue to go up and up. We don’t need to have any monies taken from us when we worked darn hard for it.
There has to other solutions, because across the board cuts are not the answer. The biggest joke in this whole thing is that our vote means nothing. If 100% vote no, our representatives will say, “Oh, well it goes through anyway”. We are up against wall, so we all need to send a message to Washington, the Treasury Department, and our representatives. We need a stronger representative than Tom Baum who is nothing more than a smoke screen for UPS and the NYSTP/RF.
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