I received a letter from my pension plan stating that it has been overpaying me. The letter says that the plan is going to reduce my monthly payments and that I will also have to pay an additional amount to the plan. What can I do?
Believe it or not, sometimes pension plans make mistakes when they calculate a participant’s benefits. Sometimes, the benefit is smaller than it should be. In such cases, the IRS has long taken the position that the plan must correct the benefit calculation going forward and make the participant whole by paying the amount the participant was short-changed until the error was caught and corrected, plus interest.
Sometimes, though, the miscalculation results in a larger benefit than the participant is entitled to under the terms of the plan. In most cases, the participant was unaware that they were being paid too much and in no way contributed to the plan’s error. If the plan did not catch its error early, the sum of the overpayments can be significant—we have seen cases where the overpayment is in six-figure territory.
So, what happens when a plan finally catches its error?
The first thing a plan will do is reduce the benefit going forward to the correct amount. Beyond that, pension plans can try to take back – or recoup – the overpaid benefits, but what actions a plan can take to recoup overpaid benefits depends on when the plan caught its error.
The timing of when a pension plan catches an overpayment matters for two reasons. First, in 2023 the laws covering pension overpayments changed significantly, so if a plan caught its error after 2023, it must follow the new rules. Second, these new rules significantly limit what corrective actions a pension plan can take if it took more than three years to catch an error.
What are Common Recoupment Situations?
Overpayments most often occur when:
The law before 2023:
Before 2023, pension plans interpreted IRS rules to require them to recoup all overpayments, even when the person who received the overpayments was not at fault. This meant that plans could face serious tax consequences if they didn’t recoup benefit overpayments.
There weren’t many limitations on what a plan could do to recoup an overpayment. This meant that, in addition to reducing benefits to the correct payment level, pension plans would cut future benefit payments to offset past overpayments and/or send letters to overpaid individuals seeking a lump sum repayment. Some plans would charge interest on overpaid amounts when calculating what was owed back to the plan. And in some extreme cases, plans would cut benefit payments entirely, send letters threatening to sue people for the overpaid amounts, or even use debt collectors.
The Pension Rights Center worked with stakeholders throughout the retirement community and with Congress to develop a new law that is much fairer to overpaid people who did not know that they had been receiving too much. This new law was part of a much larger retirement legislation called Secure 2.0, which passed in late 2022.
Current Law
The new recoupment rules under Secure 2.0 are now in effect and protect overpaid individuals as long as the plan has not commenced collecting a benefit overpayment before January 1, 2023.
First, it said that plans generally could choose not to recoup without risking adverse tax consequences.
And second, it created new protections on overpayments, unless the participant or beneficiary is “culpable,” which essentially means they were partly responsible for the error. (More on culpability in a moment.) The most important of the new protections are:
How Do I Know If I Am Culpable?
An individual is culpable if he or she “bears” responsibility for the overpayment, by, for example, making representations or omissions abut information that led to the overpayment, or if the individual is aware that the payments were “materially in excess of the correct amount.” We believe that there will be factual and legal issues surrounding the meaning of the term “culpable” in the statute. For example, when does an individual know that overpayments are materially in excess of the correct benefit calculation?
What should I do if I receive an overpayment notice from my pension plan?
In some cases, a participant has made retirement decisions based on the plan’s calculation of benefits. It is possible that in some cases, the participant might be able to sue the plan or the plan official responsible for the miscalculation. You will probably need to consult with an attorney in such cases.
Learn more about recoupment here.
Read about recoupment success stories