By Karen Friedman
For twenty-seven years, Alicia Munnell, the renowned economist and the Director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR), has conducted nonpartisan research that has documented the strengths and inequities in the retirement system. Alicia and her academic colleagues at CRR, have authored important papers and briefs that have influenced policymakers and experts alike – and led to wide-ranging solutions to improve retirement security for millions of Americans.
Now, after critiquing and helping shape policy for decades, Alicia announced she, herself, is retiring from the Center for Retirement Research.
The New York Times, recognizing her influence on retirement policy, interviewed Alicia on her wide-ranging views on restoring financial balance to Social Security and expanding the nation’s retirement system overall. See the article here.
We’ve known Alicia for a long time and know the influence she has had in Washington and beyond (before founding CRR, she held leadership positions at Treasury, on the Council of Economic Advisers and at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston). After all her work, she certainly deserves a happy retirement (although at age 82, she still seems younger than anyone I know!) Also, we’re still lucky that Alicia continues to provide her lifetime of wisdom, expertise and insights (not to mention a great sense of humor) as a member of our board of directors.
Thanks, Alicia, for all you do – and we are glad that the Center for Retirement Research will continue to thrive under the leadership of Andy Eschtruth.