May is Older Americans Month. The U.S. Administration on Aging has announced that this year’s theme for the month is “Age Strong! Live Long!” which “recognizes the diversity and vitality of today’s older Americans who span three generations.”
In addition, our friends at Wider Opportunities for Women will be holding their second annual blog day on May 26th with a theme of “America’s Budget Matters (So Does Yours).” The blog event will take place on the same day as the second meeting of the so-called Fiscal Commission, which is convening to discuss ways to balance the nation’s budget, including making harmful cuts to Social Security. Learn more about the Wider Opportunities for Women blog day by watching their videos below:
Just as we did last year, the Pension Rights Center is co-sponsoring the May 26th Wider Opportunities for Women blog day, and we invite our readers to show their support by writing a blog entry on the topic or commenting on one. If you write a blog entry, let us know so we can link to it.
The Pension Rights Center recognizes the important role that pensions play in helping Americans “age strong” and “live long.” Without pensions to supplement Social Security, retirees are at risk of having an economically insecure retirement. We are proud to celebrate Older Americans Month and to be a part of the Wider Opportunities for Women blog day.